Our team

We are a worker cooperative of translators, teachers and proofreaders who offer language services in six languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Our commitment to building a fairer and more equitable economy is reflected in the creation of this collectively-owned company, which is democratically controlled and committed to the community. This sets us apart from other traditional language service companies, as each of our workers is also an owner of the business, and therefore has a greater interest in maintaining the high quality of our services at every stage of the process.

The linguists involved in every project maintain direct contact with the client receiving our services, and thus work in a participatory and collaborative manner that invites consultations, instructions, or suggestions.


Our linguists come from very diverse backgrounds and specializations and this, together with our commitment to teamwork, allows us to offer quality linguistic solutions for a wide range of texts, whether general or highly specialized.

Working languages

DE German
ES Spanish
EN English
FR French
IT Italian
PT Portuguese

The Team

Julieta Amaya Gugliucci

Teacher and proofreader


Diana Basti

Teacher and translator


Ana Bertola

Teacher, translator and proofreader


Foto Laura

Laura Alegre

Translator and proofreader


Foto María José

María José Beltramino

Teacher and translator


Eliana Nieto

Translator, teacher and proofreader


Marilia Portela

Teacher and translator


María Robles

Certified public accountant

Luis Seia

Translator and proofreader



Milestones in the history of the cooperative


There is life beyond the traditional labour market

The project came to life in May 2014, during an academic exchange between translation professionals and language teachers. We met as colleagues, shared some of our concerns, and identified the need to create an alternative to the traditional market, both in terms of client relationships and the internal logic of the work. We set ourselves the goal of working together in a collaborative way. It sparked the idea of forming a language services network.


Incorporation of the Abrapalabra Limited Worker Cooperative

After complying with all stipulated requirements of Argentine cooperative legislation, we formalised the constitution of our language services cooperative with the goal of following a collaborative working method in order to provide our services in a way that promotes continuous training, professional development and upgrading, and the pursuit of pleasure in the workplace.

Introduction to the public

Panel discussion at the 12th National Meeting of Language and Literature Students (ENELL)



As part of the National Meeting of Language and Literature Students at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Abrapalabra coordinated a panel discussion on alternative working methods entitled “Is there life beyond language services companies?” We analysed the different options available on the labour market for language service professionals, and we emphasized the potential of cooperative work when forming networks among professionals.

Supporting the Workers’ Economy

6th International Gathering of the Workers’ Economy



In one of the first volunteer work assignments, we provided interpretation and interpreter coordination services for the International Gathering of the Workers’ Economy, held in 2017 at Textiles Pigüé and the Bauen Hotel, two well-known worker-recuperated businesses in Argentina.

Coordination with social organizations and movements

First open call: Language support for social organizations and movements



To strengthen the work of social organizations and movements at the international level, in 2017 we launched our first open call for proposals from organizations requiring language support, which we would provide on a voluntary basis. The winning entry was from The People’s Summit, an event which was organized during the #FueraOMC (#WtoOUT) Week of Action in Argentina. We provided interpretation for the forums and assemblies in three language pairs, and assisted the representatives of social movements from North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

Dissemination of the feminist struggle

Second open call: The green word



This open call went out within the framework of the 2018 debate in Argentina on the legalization of abortion. Together with the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, we called on translators to join us in circulating the information on the process in multiple languages in the weeks leading up to the vote in Congress.